Exploring Other Cultures

The SJW mass hysteria over cultural appropriation has reached a fever pitch, hasn't it? This is truly unfortunate, because there is nothing better for understanding between cultures than actually experiencing the festivals and traditions of a culture you are unfamiliar with. There is a difference - a big difference - between outright stealing things from … Continue reading Exploring Other Cultures

Ways to Promote Understanding

In the interest of getting a little bit closer to that stupidly elusive goal of world peace, I'd like to tell you some stuff I've noticed really helps to prevent wars in the first place. One of the ways I'm personally trying is by running my forum website, http://www.witchesandsandwiches.com - it is WILDLY unpopular right … Continue reading Ways to Promote Understanding

Why Targeted Advertising Doesn’t Work on the Younger Generations

There are three reasons. 1. It's a violation of privacy. It's disrespectful. We are tired of that. We hate people who do that. 2. Do ad executives seriously think that bombarding us with things that we "like" is actually going to boost sales, when what they're selling is absolute garbage? 3. We're poor. We don't … Continue reading Why Targeted Advertising Doesn’t Work on the Younger Generations