I am moving the blog!

Firstly I want to say a humble thank you to the people who follow this blog. I appreciate that you listen to my crazy ramblings. Hopefully you've been entertained so far. I'm not getting rid of this blog. The posts are going to stay up, but I'm probably not going to update here anymore. New … Continue reading I am moving the blog!

Energy Healing

Ask the Divine for help and protection, and then to focus on a feeling of pure unconditional compassionate love. Once you have a fix on that feeling, that feeling of “I really care, I give a shit,” charge up your hands with that energy and put them over the area of pain. Just let the … Continue reading Energy Healing

Let’s sanction Donald Trump and his supporters

So this guy gets into office and starts waging a white-collar war against everyone in this country who isn't rich. He starts promoting an openly racist, xenophobic agenda and making the worst elements in this country feel comfortable enough to commit crimes in the name of race. He guts environmental protections and corrupts the entire … Continue reading Let’s sanction Donald Trump and his supporters

What Wicca Has and Doesn’t Have

Wicca Has: -Reverence, love, and respect for nature, animals, the truth, children, and plants -One guideline: "An it harm none, do as ye will" aka "do what you will as long as it harms none" -Crystals -Candles -Herbs -Altars that also have crystals, candles, and herbs -So many books -Working of strictly positive magic that … Continue reading What Wicca Has and Doesn’t Have

Social Justice, Racism, and Children

Lately I've been thinking about how the social justice movement and the cultural heritage movement have become intertwined. "Be proud of your heritage," they say to their kids. "Join in the cultural activities of people who are genetically related to you and linked via your common ancestors." Is there really a problem with this? Is … Continue reading Social Justice, Racism, and Children

Why Your Small Town Business Is Failing

No, it's not Wal-Mart and it's not the foreign workers streaming into the country. It's not the Hispanic guys working the kitchen in the back either. Nor is it the economy, the cheap price of goods at big-box stores, government policies, or the availability of internet goods of all kinds and price points. It's actually … Continue reading Why Your Small Town Business Is Failing